About Michele Cempaka

I'm so happy you have found my site..

I am a world traveler. I lived on Bali for 19 years where my life completely transformed. This is where I became initiated as a Reiki Master, got certified as a Hypnotherapist and learned about the power of Shamanism. I was also initiated into the first level of priestess hood by a Balinese Shaman, and I trained with shamans from Ecuador, Mexico, Mongolia and the USA. I have been a Shamanic practitioner and mentor since 2008. I also love teaching Reiki, meditation and facilitating sacred ceremonies. In 2021 I was guided by Spirit to move to Mexico where I currently live. It would be my honor to support you on your Spiritual journey.

Do you want to make a difference in the world?

  • Imagine how it would feel to be confident in your skills as a professional healer/teacher
  • Imagine how amazing it would feel to make an impact on the world bye sharing your gifts & services
  • Imagine being free of limiting beliefs that have been blocking you from receiving the abundance that you deserve

I would love to support you to access your highest potential as a healer and spiritual teacher. I offer two mentorship programs for people who are serious about becoming professional healers.

The 6 month Shamanic Group mentorship program is offer twice yearly, and the professional healer mentorship is a 12 month program. 

Depending on your experience and your needs, these programs are specially designed to give healers a wide variety of tools, skills and deeper understanding of what is needed to be a successful professional healer.

Please visit: www.spiritweaverjourneys.com to find out more.

My Teaching Background

I have taught a wide variety of classes both online and in person. I was trained as a Secondary Education teacher, so I have a strong teaching background which gives me the skills to be a great teacher. Here are some of the courses that I currently offer.

  • 'Radiantly Well' - a 3 Week online training

  • Introduction to Shamanism

  • Intermediate Shamanism

  • Advanced Shamanism

  • Reiki 1, 2 & Master Training

  • Intuitive Writing: 5 Weeks to Ignite Your Creative Mojo & Keep it Going

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